Spreading a culture of gender equality and support the overcoming of gender stereotypes by developing tools and methods for the educational system and institutions
The project will refer to gender stereotypes related to different family contexts, such as family with parents, single parenting, gay parents, migrants.
Specific objectives
Exchange of good practices among the project partners in relation to the spread of a culture of gender and to overcoming gender stereotypes
To promote innovative learning approaches that focus on the gender culture and overcoming gender stereotypes, taking particular account of the development of transversal key competences for children
To train kindergarten and primary school teachers for the implementation of the project methodology
Test the project methodology with the children, aged 3-6 and 6-8 years through Creative Labs
To develop methods and tools for the evaluation of the key skills acquired by children and after the test phases
Facilitate the dissemination and sustainability of project results involving the policy makers at national and EU level.
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