In this section are listed the periodic Newsletters published by the project,
for the dissemination campaign and the results achieved.
Gender Equality in preschool and primary school education
Gender Equality it is about adding – not taking away ( for example: giving all children access to all colours and all toys, not taking away the dolls or the cars, pink or blue).
Previous Articles
The Gender Culture Model
Guidelines of education for equality in preschool and primary school education
During the initial months of the project, the E4E partners have collected the best practices in their respective countries on the models and tools to aim at fostering equal gender opportunity in preschools and schools.
“For a school without barriers”
Educating in sexual-affected diversity
"For a school without barriers" is a COGAM project that aims to bring education in affective-sexual diversity to schools.
This project was born in 1994, when COGAM sees the need to prevent harassment and discrimination suffered by LGBT youth and young people who do not follow the conventional gender roles in their schools.
Gender Pedagogy in German speaking countries:
Genesis and approach
Since the 1970th feminist, men´s movement and queer activists and pedagogues in Germany, Austria and Switzerland elaborated gender pedagogic approaches and practices. Reading the same books, meeting at conferences, seminars, working together but also controversial debates stirred the evolution of shared cognitive concepts and understandings on Gender Pedagogy.
Education for Equality
Going beyond gender stereotypes (E4E)
E4E is a project funded by National Agency INDIRE (Italy), through the European Erasmus Plus Program - Key Action 2, Strategic Partnerships. The project, which will last 36 months, was presented by Teseo in partnership with:
• Unicef Italian Committee (Italy);
• Olika (Sweden);
• FBI - Institut für gesellschaftswissenschaftliche Forschung, Bildung und Information (Austria);
• Cogam (Spain).
School of equality
The sharing of nursing jobs and the craft of teachers
Within the formation effort of Pistoia Early Childhood Services, a formation experience for adults was created over the issue of gender equality addressed to families and teachers of 0-6 years old Educational Services.
All equal, all differents!
Non-discrimination education project
In a primary school “Giovanni XXIII Didactic Circle” recognized by UNICEF as “Child friendly school” a project of gender equality education was made to whom joined 2 class with a total of 50 children of 6-7 years old.
“Child friendly school” Program aims to promote knowledge and implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
100 opportunities
add genderequality
None of us have grown up in an equal society, and that makes it abstract. If we don’t know the goal it makes room for misconceptions to grow. In our work at OLIKA on gender equality and children, we have noticed that it is crucial to clarifying what the goal is. Where we're going. Common misconceptions about what gender equality means prevent us in the process of change.
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